Data & Insights
Build your community with data-driven insights

Wishlist gives you the data to get to know your employees so you can create a work life your team loves.

20 Members Rewarded.
Weekly Rewards Data
See all members
Strengthen Team Bond With Data
Wishlist proactively delivers data points to make your community stronger.
View team activity
View team activity
See which teams aren’t engaged. For example, imagine that only 1 out of the 14 members of the customer support team has been appreciated this quarter.
Understand team dynamics
Understand team dynamics
Reach out to the customer support team’s manager, Joe, to learn what’s happening with this team.
Nudge the manager
Nudge the manager
Give Joe a nudge to regularly appreciate his team to improve team engagement and morale.
Rewards Redeemed
Gift Card
Food and Beverages
Refine and focus your program

Learn what features your team uses most often to further customize your rewards and recognition program.

Share with leadership

Report learnings, such as team engagement, feature utilization, and monthly spending, to your leadership team using Wishlist’s executive summary of key insights.

Top Tags Usage
line chart
Top Reward Sender
bar chart showing statsbar chart showing stats
Neil Cooper
Alina Vincer
Ron River
James Andrew
Keep your finance team happy

Monitor reward spending, standardize budgets across departments, and receive automated, tax-compliant monthly spend reports.